Preschool in Shrewsbury, MA | Shrewsbury Children's Center

Enrollment Info

Getting Started

Enrollment and Admission Procedures

Our enrollment process is designed to help you make this most important decision regarding your child’s early care and education. We want to provide you with the time to visit the classroom, observe your child in the classroom, and answer any questions that you may have. It is important that you convey to us at the time of your visit what your expectations of our Center are.

Before a final enrollment decision is made, we recommend that your child spend some time in the classroom. The Program Director will assist you in determining how long this visit should be. This visit will provide the Program Director the opportunity to observe your child and determine if the classroom selected is appropriate for the developmental level of your child. We will also try to determine if there is a good match with the group size and level of activity.

The following steps must be taken in order to enroll in any of the programs offered by the Shrewsbury Children’s Center:

01. Visit

Arrange a Saturday to conduct a PRIVATE VISIT the Center and the classroom under consideration. The Program Director will discuss an appropriate length of time for the visit based on your child’s developmental readiness.

02. In-Person Meeting

The Director will observe your child’s transition into the group and interactions to make the best placement decision for your child. Some children may need to visit several times before feeling comfortable. The Program Director will arrange these visits with you.

03. Application

Complete an enrollment application selecting the PROGRAM and SCHEDULE desired. Remit the non-refundable REGISTRATION FEE and any other associated costs.

04. Tuition Agreement

Complete, with the assistance of the Program Director, a TUITION AGREEMENT. Be sure to read the Tuition Policies and ask for clarifications before signing. The tuition agreement needs to be completed before the child’s first day of attendance.

05. Schedule

Schedule a starting date and/or another visit if desired. Please note that we are unable to “hold” openings for more than one week. In order for an opening to be reserved for longer than one week, it must be paid for.

Enrollment Options

Option 1:

Full Year Enrollment

Parents electing to enroll for a full year (12 months, September 1st – August 31st) will be guaranteed re-enrollment each year. In addition, one week of tuition-free vacation time is available to be used between September 1st and August 31st. (See complete Vacation Credit Policy)

Option 2:

Partial Year Enrollment

(i.e., September 1st – June 30th) Partial year enrollment is available to select families. Parents choosing this option are not guaranteed an opening in the upcoming year but will be placed on a waiting list for any available opening. Example: Any opening created by a child leaving the program for the summer will be filled immediately from the names on the waiting list. The child leaving will be placed on the waiting list if parents want to re-enroll in the fall. * If you enroll for a partial year, you will be expected to pay tuition through June 30th.

For more enrollment information, please contact us at 508-755-3922 today!

Shrewsbury Children's Center
138 North Quinsigamond Ave
Shrewsbury, MA 01545

Monday – Friday 7:30 A.M. – 5:30 P.M.